Совсем недавно организаторы К-1 наделали много шума, пригласив на К-1 финал 16 бойца ММА, Андрея Арловского. Но похоже что его дебют в кикбоксинге откладывается на неопределенный срок.
It has been a hectic few weeks when it comes to K-1 news, and it just keeps on coming as it looks like Andrei Arlovski’s much-anticipated K-1 debut has been put on ice. The word came down from Andrei Arlovski’s twitter account tonight, with no word from K-1 yet (who has still yet to speak on Ray Sefo’s inclusion officially) that Arlovski will not be competing in the K-1 World GP 2010 Final 16.
Сегодня ночью у себя в твиттере белорус оставил сообщение такого содержания:
“Я принял решение, что не буду участвовать в К-1 2 октября”
Некоторые источники указывают, что Андрей на тренировке сломал нос, потому не сможет выступить в Сеуле. На официальном сайте эту информацию пока не подтвердили.
Источник: новости боев К-1
The word has been spreading around that Arlovski has possibly suffered an injury in training, which could account for the last minute change in the card. The injury being talked about is a broken nose, and while broken noses in fighting are not uncommon at all, one before a fight could be detrimental for Arlovski, as a broken nose can lead to swelling of the nose as well as the eye, making it difficult to see. A simple tap on the nose could cause swelling and ruin his vision.
The big question now is who K-1 will be able to find on short notice to replace Arlovski. Maybe Ruslan Karaev is doing better? Alexey Ignashov would love to get another shot at the K-1 World Grand Prix, I’m sure.
Source: Head Kick Legend