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  • K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP на грани срыва – Head Kick Legend|K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP Not Happening? – Head Kick Legend

K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP на грани срыва – Head Kick Legend|K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP Not Happening? – Head Kick Legend

K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP на грани срыва – Head Kick Legend|K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP Not Happening? – Head Kick Legend

FEG’s Sadaharu Tanikawa made a rather ominous statement about a K-1 tournament being canceled (via gryphon) to Kamipro. This refers to the last qualifying tournament that K-1 has been known to hold, the K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP. Last year’s tournament happened in Tokyo on August 11th and featured names like Melvin Manhoef, Brice Guidon, Sergeii Laschenko and Daniel Ghita. Of course, this was Daniel Ghita’s coming out party in K-1, winning the tournament and taking his place in the Final 16 as well as making himself a regular in K-1 competition.
Такое заявление сделал один из организаторов турнира Sadaharu Tanikawa, он сказал, что K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP возможно будет отменен.

It looks like we finally have official word that there will not be a Final 16 Qualifying GP this year. This, of course, should come as no shock to anybody as there was never a formal announcement about it happening and in order for it to take place and leave ample time for the Final 16, it would have to happen in the coming weeks. There is no way for K-1 to organize such a large scale event in Japan on such a short notice, so like I said, this is not a shock to anybody.

This also shouldn’t be seen as a sign of the apocalypse, as there were three qualifying tournaments last year, one of which being the Final 16 Qualifying GP. K-1 revamped their qualifying system this year and might have overreached a bit. If you’ll think back, you’ll remember this graph, which tells us to expect 5 qualifying GPs, when the reality is we walked away with two. It was presumptuous on their part, as the Asia GP hit a hitch with their Korean television deal falling through and having to be renegotiated (all is fine now, but it took a while, hence the later Final 16), the Western Europe GP hit a similar hitch with Germany actually cracking down on combat sports after a UFC event and K-1 not able to find a suitable promoter to run the event for them. This leaves the Final 16 Qualifying GP to question and it seems like FEG was focused on the deal with PUJI over the past few months, as well as getting the rather unexpected -63kgs division up and running, I think it is safe to say that they pooled their money into trying to build new Japanese stars and a new division than run another heavyweight GP.

On top of this, K-1 has also been kicking around the idea to spreading out the World Grand Prix over a course of a few years, ala the World Cup. So, this leaves us with a Final 16 set-up like this so far;

Semmy Schilt
Alistair Overeem*
Badr Hari
Ruslan Karaev
Ewerton Teixeira
Jerome Le Banner
Errol Zimmerman
Remy Bonjasky*
Freddy Kemayo
Ben Edwards

That is eleven fighters who have qualified. I have starred Overeem as it isn’t clear if he will participate yet or not, but our money is on Alistair coming to an agreement with K-1 as long as it doesn’t interfere with Strikeforce obligations. As for Remy Bonjasky, there is still no official update on him, so for now we are including him. So we have five wildcard spots available. The following have no qualified but are names that we can’t imagine not being in the mix;

Peter Aerts
Daniel Ghita
Ray Sefo
Melvin Manhoef
Gokhan Saki**
Tyrone Spong
Alexey Ignashov**
Hesdy Gerges
Zabit Samedov

Gokhan Saki qualified for last year’s Final 16 but was injured in August, kicking him out of the tournament until the Finals where he was in a reserve bout. Ray Sefo seems like an odd name, but Sefo has mentioned wanting one last run at the title and honestly, with a thin GP line up this year it is a perfect time to bring him back. Ignashov was kicked out of the European GP due to an injury and the man he beat, Kemayo, went on to win. I think that as a first round of the Final 16 makes perfect sense, don’t you?

Речь идет о последнем отборочном турнире K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16.
Прошлогодний турнир, провели в Токио, в Августе 11. В нем приняли участие такие звезды как :
Melvin Manhoef,
Brice Guidon,
Sergeii Laschenko
Daniel Ghita

Победителем стал Daniel Ghita, выиграл турнир и занял свое место в К-1, в Final 16.

Казалось бы, что мы наконец-то услышали, что Final 16 Qualifying GP будет в этом году отменен.
Тем не менее, это не должно вызвать огромного удивления, так как никакого заявления о том, что Final 16 К-1 Qualifying GP состоится, не было.
А это значит,что для организации турнира, во -первых нужно определиться с местом проведения турнира, и сделать это нужно в считанные недели.
Такое не приемлемо, для организаторов К-1,просто-напросто не хватка времени, для проведения такого масштабного турнира как К-1,этого невероятного события в Японии.
Так же не нужно паниковать и рассматривать это как конец света, так как в прошлом году провели всего лишь три турнира по К-1, и одним из них был был the Final 16 Qualifying GP.
Скорее всего, организаторы К-1, немного не рассчитали свои силы.
Должно состояться пять турниров, хотя в реальности, прошло два.
Все эти факторы, оставляют K-1 World Grand Prix Final 16 Qualifying GP , под вопросом, и честно говоря, кажется, что FEG сфокусировался лишь на сделке с PUJI, глядя на прошедшие несколько месяцев, например совсем неожиданным было появление нового состава бойцов весовой категории 63 кг.

Такое ощущение, что эти две организации, объединили деньги , для того, чтобы сделать новых японских звезд, чем заняться организацией тяжеловесов GP.

В добавок ко всему, организация К-1, размышляет над тем ,чтобы раскидать World Grand Prix, конечно в течение нескольких лет.
Semmy Schilt
Alistair Overeem*
Badr Hari
Ruslan Karaev
Ewerton Teixeira
Jerome Le Banner
Errol Zimmerman
Remy Bonjasky*
Freddy Kemayo
Ben Edwards
Это те 11 бойцов, которые возможно будут принимать участие
Правда еще не известно будет ли Alistair Overeem или нет ,так же и Remy Bonjasky, еще нет официального заявление, что он примет участие .
Так же в наличие есть 5 wildcard
Что касается :
Peter Aerts
Daniel Ghita
Ray Sefo
Melvin Manhoef
Gokhan Saki
Tyrone Spong
Alexey Ignashov
Hesdy Gerges
Zabit Samedov
То Gokhan Saki и Alexey Ignashov, так же под вопросом участия.

Источник на русском: http://kombat.odessa.ua/