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Category : Тайский бокс

Владислав Попов vs Хруби Милан — Muay.ru|Vladislav Popov vs Hrubi Milan @ Diamond Fights

Станислав Попов vs Даниэль Витовек — Muay.ru|Stanislav Popov vs Daniel Vitovek @ Diamond Fights – Muay.ru

Русский гладиатор победил за 20 секунд! – Российская Лига Муай Тай

В Краснодаре 16 июня состоялось открытие бойцовской  арены Platinum. Пpи coдeйcтвии  "K-City" Lucky Life Promo Group R&B & House Party  на ринге прошли четыре поединка: по кикбоксингу, тайскому боксу и боям без правил (М1) Красивые бои пок...

Z1 World Series goes wild in Borneo – IFMA

IFMA :: International Federation of Muaythai Amateur. Fight fans in Miri City will certainly have an experience to remember on 24th & 25th June 2010 at Miri Indoor Stadium when the Z1 World Muaythai Series takes place, the first international muaythai tournament ever held in Borneo Island. This exciting and action packed event is also sanctioned by the Malaysia Muay Thai Ass...

Bruce “Preacher” MacFie Versus Eli “Maddog” Madigan « The Science of 8 Limbs

Bruce “Preacher” MacFie Versus Eli “Maddog” Madigan « The Science of 8 Limbs. Bruce Preacher Macfie Vs Eli Maddog Madigan at Middleweight at Evolution 20 Muay Thai. This event was held Sat 24th April 2010 The Sleeman Centre Chandler Arena Queensland, Australia. [youtube]84DLSmgJm6U[/youtube] [youtube]airns8EUY0g[/youtube]

An Interview with Buakaw Por. Pramuk


An interview Cosmo Alexandre

interview Cosmo Alexandre. Interview of COSMO ALEXANDRE By Serge TREFEU (2010) Serge TREFEU: Hello Cosmo how are you go shape there. You are native of Brazil you grew in which region? COSMO ALEXANDRE: Hello Serge, I’m from Brazil, I grew up in Santos , it is a beach city near Sao Paulo. S.T.: When you were child are you practiced combat sports, otherwise which sports yo...

2,000,000 Baht Super Tournament in Thailand « The Science of 8 Limbs

2,000,000 Baht Super Tournament in Thailand « The Science of 8 Limbs. The return of reality television and Muay Thai is coming. But its not the Contender Asia or anything else you may imagine.  Thailand’s Channel 3 will be broadcasting Thai Fight instead. Initial reports of some of the named lineup look impressive and the match ups should be much more evenly matched and with a truly...

BIG8. Результаты Европейского отбора

BIG8. Результаты Европейского отбора. Украинец Руслан Кушниренко стал победителем Европейского отборочного турнира BIG8, который прошел17 апреля в Харькове. Харьковчанин, представляющий клуб "Сафари", выиграл по очкам у...

Джон Уейн Парр против Дмитрия Валента за титул чемпиона мира по версии WKN 72,6кг|John Wayne Parr VS Dmitry Valent WKN WORLD TITLE MUAY THAI 72.600

[youtube]ZMyUfurf1z0[/youtube] [youtube]CxpcDgTMGhQ[/youtube] [youtube]jU48-uOQOs8[/youtube]